You will find below some suggestions of possible activities to do on and around the estate, for young and old, outdoors and indoors.






Badminton, bowling, ballooning, skipping, kite flying, gardening, etc... at our estate.


Playground and fitness area behind the Obersteinbach Town Hall.


The challenge games at the Fleckenstein Castle (10 km away), see


Minigolf of Niederbronn-les-bains (16km away)


Didiland amusement park in Morsbronn (22 km): rides


Games and attractions at the Tépacap adventure amusement park in Bitche Hasselfurth (24 km):


accrobranche, "unusual games" (a speciality of the park), laser game.


You will find all the information you need on their website:




Outdoor swimming pools in Niederbronn-les-Bains (17 km) and Dahn (30 km)






In Obersteinbach, in your holiday home:


Board games, DVD player, CD player, vinyl records, radio, cassettes.






Le p'tit Fleck for the little ones (discovery of nature) (10 km drive) at the Castle of Fleckenstein).


The Biosphaerenhaus (discovery of nature) in Fischbach (16 km drive) in Germany.


Workshop visits with demonstrations:


  • potteries, goat-sheds, glass blower's and glass tailor's workshops, clog-maker's workshops.


Indoor swimming pools:


  • in Niederbronn-les-Bains and in Dahn, in Germany. 

(English text translation: Eva Blickhan.)